Haricots blancs tomate - Notre Jardin - 530 g
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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer Scamark.
3564700738009(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Haricots blancs à la tomate
Quantity: 530 g
Brands: Notre Jardin, Marque Repère
Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Fruits and vegetables based foods, Legumes and their products, Canned foods, Legumes, Seeds, Vegetables based foods, Canned plant-based foods, Legume seeds, Meals, Canned vegetables, Pulses, Common beans, Prepared vegetables, Canned legumes, White beans, Baked beans in tomato sauce, Canned common beans, Canned white common beans
Labels, certifications, awards:
Green Dot, Nutriscore, Nutriscore Grade A, Triman
Stores: Leclerc
Countries where sold: France, United States
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Other information
Preparation: Verser le contenu de la boîte dans une casserole et faire chauffer à feu doux sans laisser bouillir.
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Product added on by date-limite-app
Last edit of product page on by spotter.
Product page also edited by angie, beniben, fgouget, foodvisor, jelis, kiliweb, nemesisereborn, openfoodfacts-contributors, org-scamark, packbot, quechoisir, scamark, segundo, yogoff, yuka.UW9vNFQ2UWdyZFVLZ1BNSC96VFk1NHR4NEorRWVqcW9lK1JOSVE9PQ, yuka.VjZOUUR2b2V1dWdPc1BZOThEYnc5b2xlelpxdlUzdnZDdVlUSWc9PQ, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlmB8bcL1gGjWLw75vneK6dXXMZjMPPUpvarBHas, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlmV9eNnRpCnFbyThnV-Q4PyID6XHQOlJ-obrHqs.